Monday, December 24, 2012

Do You Dare Enough To Travel By Yourself?

Malam ini, seperti biasa, saya duduk bersama laptop di kosan sembari mengerjakan tugas tapak rusun with sketchup. Dan baru saja men-submit an application form in context of international voluntary work camp at Borobudur Village, Magelang, Jateng. Cukup jauh ya haha. Ah bukan masalah. Pada dasarnya saya termasuk tipe orang yang suka berpergian. Ke mana pun, dekat/jauh akan saya jabani selama ada tujuan yang jelas. Dan tidak peduli dengan siapa saya pergi itu, mau sama keluarga, teman, atau malah cuma sendiri? Ayo saja, tetap berangkat. Malah sendiri itu jauh lebih enak menurut saya. Walau pergi bersama keluarga dan teman lebih mengasyikan, tapi kalau kita sudah terlalu sering melakukannya, kenapa tidak mencoba sesuatu yang baru, yakni travel by yourself. We can go to somewhere new we never had been before, do activities and interactions with local people we met there. Sungguh akan menjadi pengalaman yang tidak biasa nantinya :)

Mungkin aneh ya, ada cewek kok suka pergi sendirian? But hey so what? Kita ini hidup di zaman perempuan kuat. Ga ada kamusnya lagi tuh cewek menye yang ga bisa pergi jauh dari orang tua, teman-teman, atau pacar. Lagi pula hitung-hitung coba melatih diri jika kita suatu saat (benar-benar) ditinggal oleh orang tua (bukan maksud menakuti, saya juga pasti akan sangat merana jika orang tua telah tiada. namun pada dasarnya setiap yang bernyawa akan mati bukan, nah untuk melatih pasca-situasi yang ga diinginkan tersebut dengan coba pergi jauh dari rumah for at least 1 month or more) atau saat memasuki dunia kerja yang mana kita akan menemui lingkungan pertemanan yang serba baru dan untuk perkembangan diri yang lebih baik lagi tentu harus memperluas jejaring komunitas sosial dengan siapapun, tidak bergantung dengan yang itu-itu saja (ya kalau ini sih lebih ke dinamisasi pribadi agar bisa melatih kefleksibelan diri dengan orang lain).

Alangkah lebih mulia lagi jika melakukan pergi jauh itu untuk urusan pendidikan. Atau dengan kata lain; merantau. Saya sangat mengapresiasi baik laki-laki maupun perempuan yang merantau jauh-jauh dari kampung halamannya untuk menimba ilmu yang lebih tinggi lagi ke suatu kota besar bahkan ke luar negeri. Hal ini menandakan mereka mampu mengembangkan segala potensi diri yang dimiliki untuk mendapatkan pengalaman hidup yang lebih berkualitas lagi.

Ini lah yang membuat saya sangat ingin bisa mendapatkan beasiswa ke luar negeri. Pertama, saya suka travelling. Kedua, saya mau terus belajar, untuk semakin mengenali potensi diri dan lingkungan di belahan dunia lain sana yang lebih luas lagi, sekaligus menghidupkan kehidupan yang lebih hidup lagi. Dan hal yang bisa saya lakukan sekarang adalah mencoba konsisten terhadap langkah-langkah kecil apapun yang dapat membawa saya mengarah ke tujuan besar itu. So here I go, I'm Irene Sarah, one day I'll be studying and living abroad! Amin, bismillah...

Monday, December 17, 2012

*randomness di malam hari :p *bukannya napak malah foto" -_-

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Be Smart, Dearly Smartphone User.

I know I shouldn't too mind over others business. But this one had me enough. So tonight I just 'shoot' one friend of mine. I met him in Pare, English Village. We used to had group of discussion when we were having class. Since that moment, we shared our bbm contact to each other.
After time pass by, what I can see from his status is only drama. Such as he always make status for his girl and put it onto recent updates. Until he made status 'I want you kiss me again on my lips...' THE FUCK? Gosh I wanna vomit and die! Hahaha that's too fuckin ridiculous bro!
Okay admit it, all of us once had been in alay-fase on bbm, like making status to show our feelings. But you know what? It is not cool anymore actually. You don't have to show all of your feeling on recent updates. Like bitch please, it's not even your personal diary, isn't it? So why you still updating every those trash words and let people know what's your feeling.
I don't mean we can't say anything we want. I'm in line with anyone who dare to speak up. But for this situation is quite different. You have to be smart to manage your feels. Please do think before talk. Because we are never know what may come after the words spoken out. As same as recent updates, how better it would be if you show your feeling to the person directly. To be noted, we live in smart phone generation. So does we are. We are supposed to be smart too. Hope we all can get the lessons from this story. Regards.

*here is the conversation:

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Hello September

Its the first day of September, which means I'm a halfway to end this year. Then I'm look into myself, what did I do over this year? I remember I had made new year resolutions before in early 2012 (If you guys want to know what they are, check to my old blog here). But yeah I know, I still got few target had realized. It caused by time changed. Somehow life insists us to steady and adaptive in every condition. Clearly that life is dynamic. It make us change our goal depending on demand or our need. Or maybe myself is not consist to make it happen (too bad I'm ababil sometimes :p). That's why I have to make it happen real soon because every goal I made is for lead me to have better life ahead.
Back to business, as the title said, Hello September, I'm welcoming to my birth month to get me to turn into older ages. Oh no, I'm getting 21! I don't know what I should feel about this? Should I happy or.. Hey! Don't let your mind drives to negative thinking. Of course, you have to thankful to God by feeling blessed because you still have a chance to be a better person in your life. And remember every person is getting older, at least not only you who having this problem :p so don't worry just be happy instead!
Well, hello September! You know I'm wishing you shining like the sunshine 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

First Introduction

Heyya folks!
So.. I made this new blog because I need to express some of my thoughts that been stuck in my mind for a long time haha (to be honest I'm kind of introvert person, not too much but sometimes I only already felt comfortable being a introvert person. I know this is bad. So I wanna change and test myself  to prove that I can say anything and tell anyone that I have good idea too. Yeah of course we all have this ability right? Now I think its my time to show this ability hehe).
As a Urban Planning student in Institute of Technology Bandung, I must be able to respond to some problems that happen in this country or even make a review about that. And also create the solutions how to overcome those problems so we can have a better living for a better future.
From reasons I mentioned above, I have a purpose that by making blog and posting some quality posts I could be such a critical person and turned out to be a vocal person someday amen. That one of my biggest dreams, to work in UN and be a professional public speaker).
To keep and provide my English, both oral and written skill, I want to try to put it down with English, don't care if I make false grammar, the important thing is the idea itself and I try my best to speak up. But if I get 'kepepet' yasudah nulis dalam bahasa indonesia saja hahaha.

NB: beside words, I might post some photos here. It can be my favorite stuffs or anything. Enjoy!